Illumin is a lamp that combines functionality with Danish design and takes a stand towards the consumer society with its interchangeable shades and reusable design.
The lamp is designed with the constant change in mind, which trends and tendencies of the times create in the home.
The designer
The man behind the design, Frank Kerdil, had already back in 2011, when the lamp was designed, decided on creating a lamp frame that would be reusable.
When you ask the designer himself, how the idea for this lamp occurred, he replies with the following:
"The idea for this lamp happened, as I sat and shaped different pieces of paper that I wanted to work into another design. The paper pieces sat in a way that was staggered and was placed in a kind of angle to ensure that the pieces wouldn’t fall out. I kept working with the different pieces and ended up with the current design.”
It was essential for the lamp that its base was made of a material that was strong enough to ensure that it wouldn’t break as you would assemble the lamp, but at the same time to ensure it was manageable enough so the shades wouldn’t break when they were put on the lamp.
Besides of the sustainable and reusable lamp base, the do-it-yourself assembling of the lamp combined with the design makes it possible for a completely flat package, which will not take up much space and can be shipped internationally. All the parts of the lamp fit into that one package and the space in the package is therefore fully utilized.
Illumin is for everyone. The lamp is easily assembled and can be done by all and does not require you to have experience with do-it-yourself projects. The lamp is mounted to the ceiling as a completely regular pendant in a ceiling outlet and the lamp can easily be cleaned with a dry cloth.
The well thought through design is not exclusively to the lamp itself. At the same time of designing the lamp, Frank Kerdil designed a beautiful rosette called Rosetta, which comes along with the lamp. The rosette is completely unique as it is one of the only rosettes on the market that can be mounted without any tools, can even be placed on sloping walls, and be attached very close to the ceiling. This is opposed to other models on the market.
Frank Kerdil and Dyberg Larsen has had a close cooperation since 2010 and Frank Kerdil has furthermore designed the very popular Pineapple lamp.